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What's The Point? - Discover Your Purpose

Mar 3, 2022

Stephen Shedletzky—or “Shed” to his friends—helps leaders listen to and nurture the voice of others. He supports humble leaders—those who know they are both a part of the problems they experience and the solutions they can create—as they put their people and purpose first.

Listen as Shed speaks with What's the Point? host Bill Ellis as they discuss, leadership, purpose, humility, and much more - all of which will make you a better leader, a better communicator, a better person!



  • Name: Stephen “Shed” Shedletzky (Shed-let’s-ski)    
  • Website(s): (in construction now)




Connect with Bill:



Quick Episode Summary: 

  • Welcome back to What’s The Point!
  • Get to know Stephen "Shed" Shedletzky
  • When Shed started to see the world differently
  • Shed’s time with Simon Sinek
  • Creating a more “speak-up” culture
  • A leader vs a driver
  • Pursuing true humility 
  • The results of unhealthy culture 
  • The one thing leaders can’t teach
  • Physiological safety and why we need it
  • Does age and finding your purpose correlate?
  • Shed’s answer to - What’s The Point?