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What's The Point? - Discover Your Purpose

Aug 25, 2021

Why engage the power of your story?

Because the story is the nucleus -- the core -- of all of your marketing. If that core doesn't have enough power, nothing else will work.

For nearly a quarter-century, Tom Ruwitch has helped businesses attract leads, engage prospects, close sales, and maximize relationships. For the...

Aug 11, 2021

Sometimes it's necessary to take a new approach to solving an ongoing challenge - when current efforts are making headway, but much too slowly.

That's the basis of Fred Falker's premise for achieving diversity, equity, and inclusion faster and more effectively than current paths. Fred believes that there is nothing...

Aug 4, 2021

Peter Strople has been referred to as The Most Connected Man in America. If you ever receive a call that includes the line "Peter loves you!", you're part of his network. Peter has built his business - actually, his life - on the basis of being genuinely relational.

He is driven by the opportunity to help others and...