Aug 11, 2022
Today's guest, Fleet Rand, has a core belief that all of us are seeking secure attachment - a relationship that matters. Such a relationship might be with a family member, a spouse, a higher power - basically any one that can provide unconditional love.
Fleet is a Mental Health Professional specializing in individual counseling, family counseling, drug and alcohol recovery counseling, treatment placement and relationship counseling. He has helped thousands of people directly and countless others through the ripple effect of his counseling.
What helps set Fleet apart from many others, is that he has navigated his own journey - one which took him from hell on earth to the highly respected, loved, person he is today.
Life can be overwhelming for all of us at times. For others, it can seem that life's challenges are endless. One key take away from Fleet in today's episode is to keep in mind that Hope Wins!
Listen as Fleet shares his personal journey, his professional insights, and his genuine humanity with host Bill Ellis.
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