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What's The Point? - Discover Your Purpose

Jun 23, 2021

Cancer sucks. It impacts the individual, as well as family and friends. Tom Wiley learned this first-hand as his wife, Laura, battled breast cancer. As her cancer - and the treatments - progressed, her activities became further compromised. As her primary care-giver, Tom and their two young children felt the strain.

But one day, December 5th, Laura woke up feeling as well as she had in months. The family had breakfast, went out for the day, enjoyed time together, and things felt normal. Six weeks later, Laura died.

Tragedy for the entire family. What resonated in Tom's mind, was the joy the memory of their fabulous day on December 5th.

Tom realized how impactful a 'normal' day could be for a family battling cancer...but what could he do? Well, he has made it his mission to create the same type of memories for those families. He created the December 5th Fund, which now touches hundreds of lives, bringing a bit of relief and happiness in the midst of tragedy.



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  • Welcome, Tom!
  • The vision behind the December 5th project
  • How Tom’s community 
  • How Tom’s children are involved 
  • When Tom and his late wife met
  • Jeremy Camp’s impact on Tom’s healing journey 
  • Tom’s answer to - What’s the point?
  • It’s about doing the small things